Only Authors Club: Your Long-Term Success Strategy

A (shortish) letter from Debs

Dear (over-stretched) Business Owner & (ambitious) Author,

It's not flipping easy, this book writing, publishing and selling lark.

If you're anything like me then you want to write or have written your book(s) because you wanted to:

  • make a difference,
  • share your ideas and experiences,
  • and, of course, help people.

Over twenty years ago I wrote and published my first book, "The Gorillas Want Bananas" and it changed the course of my life; and plenty of people told me it changed theirs too.

Now, twenty* years later I'm bringing everything I can to the task of helping authors get their ideas and books into the hands of the people who need them so that you, the author, gets a brilliant business result too.

Writing a book is just the beginning. At the Only Authors Club, we empower you to succeed. Let’s turn your book into a powerful asset for your business and personal growth.

Whether you are thinking of writing a book, in the messy middle or have written a book I know how it feels - I am in all of those places right now (seriously one day I'll stop writing books, probably when books stop working). I also have plenty of clients in the same situation, and that's why I'm writing to you.

Thinking about writing & publishing a business book?

We know the road to writing a book is often paved with setbacks, but remember, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey - said everyone who never finished writing a book.

Yes, you'll learn a lot on the way - about yourself, your ideas, writing, publishing, your peers - but you also want to get your book written, published and read - don't you?

The problem is it's really lonely writing a book. You get plagued with doubt and fear, and then think about giving up. We've all had those doubts, and it's completely normal. But at 4am you can feel mighty lonely.

And you don't want just more information, there are plenty of books (ahem!) out there talking about writing books. You need action, feedback, insight, help, friends who get it and who've got your back.

We've all got businesses to run too - my books frequently take a back seat while I deliver to clients.

It sometimes feels like you'll never got your book finished and published. And don't even get started on publishing, it's a minefield.

If you only had a gentle push, regularly, to guide you and answer all your questions...

Already published your business book?

I joke** that there are 1768 ways to market a book, and a few will work, the problem is finding out those activities that do work, and actually doing them!

I know when you first published there was the excitement of the launch, your publisher gave you a (bit of a) helping hand, your mom was your best salesperson, but now everyone seems to have moved on. 

Yet you put time, effort, money and tears (there were tears, tell the truth!) into your book. And your book is still really valuable to them and to you! Well written, valuable books don't stop being valuable 6 months after they're published. The problem is:

  • you have an asset that's not being capitalised (well that sounds very grown up!)
  • you have an opportunity that you're not realising
  • you have the best sales tool sitting on your desk
  • and you know it... but the overwhelm!

The overwhelm, flipping heck - I could do a new marketing thing every day. There are even books called 1001 ways to market your book.

It pisses me off when I see people less smart than my clients and friends get ahead by using their books - I know you guys are much more cleverer [sic].

If you only had a gentle push, to guide you and answer all your questions...

... lol, you know what's coming, right?

Here's the pitch... I've got a cunning plan:

  • I want to bring a small, intimate group of only authors together, we catch up a few times per month.
  • You can write alongside other authors going through the same stage (thinking, writing, publishing, promoting), share ideas, get feedback from me and my expert team.
  • We'll give you small atomic tasks that will get your book written (short, deep courses) or move it into the hands of the right people (Book Marketing Playbooks).
  • We'll include the worksheets/checklists/templates to make it happen (the Tactic Packs).
  • I've made you a place to share your results, problems, or feedback, where you can talk to other business owners who are also authors (or will be soon)!

It doesn't have to be so complicated, and if we help each other, share ideas, promote each other's books we can all gain. You ready to join us?

OnlyAuthors.Club: where authors thrive with their own long-term success strategy

How it works:

  1. Sign up and make your first payment.
  2. You'll get redirected to our coaching platform where you can book your strategy call with Debbie Jenkins.
  3. We'll bring you into the fold, make sure you're in the right pod, and get you connected with the best buddies.

You can leave any time, there are no penalties (except my very stern look).

Our mission is to make authors successful by providing unparalleled support in writing, publishing, marketing, and beyond. We focus on transforming authors into influential thought leaders.

Now, some of the tactics might not be quite right for you, but I promise you'll learn new stuff along the way. You don't have to do everything, there are no laws and certainly no business book writing and marketing police! More importantly you'll want to do the things because you'll be activated, enthused and gently poked to put it into practice.

The end of marketing overwhelm

We all know more stuff than we actually get round to doing, right? Think of me as the funny*** force of nature that will give you a loving kick in the pants!

We're there for you at critical points in your journey: post-publication, during book launch campaigns, and when pivoting to new markets or audiences, ensuring immediate and impactful support.

It's only 100 euros per month. That's about the same as your internet connection and Netflix costs (you know for streaming back to back series when you should be getting clients?)

If you're IN, click on the link and grab your place. 

Here's the link: Let me in, I've got a book to share!

Let me help you.


PS: We'll keep it exclusive because there are entry criteria, and you will be encouraged (incentivised - with real money - lol) to invite people you like to join us.

PPS: Over time the library of activities will grow, we'll circle back and improve the tactics. New tactics will spring up. Which means the price will go up for new joiners but it will always be low for you (the same price for as long as you're a member!)

PPPS: If you're not a "joiner" you don't have to do any weird extrovert things, you can come along, listen, get the resources to move your book!

PPPPS: Did I mention that if you follow the framework you're guaranteed to get published?

PPPPPS: Is this the letter with the most PSes ever?

* I need to stop saying twenty years ago, it's making me feel very old, pre-LinkedIn, Ed (the ginger lad) Sheeran's voice hadn't even broken!

** Not all my jokes are funny.

*** Funny haha, not funny weird!

**** My mom's favourite swear word!

Nearly finished...

Finally, I'm "supposed" to give you a value stack, right? All the bloody yummy things you'll get when you join? I ought to go all Hormozi on you, tell you the individual (inflated) prices of all the components, throw a chunk of scarcity in, draw some pictures of digital things in boxes and put a hat on.

Look, I'm not offering you a thousand dollar stack. I won't be wearing shorts and I don't have a big beard anymore (menopause insider joke).

But you will get digital copies of "Stop writing books nobody reads", "The Amazon Bestseller Plan", "Stop selling books nobody buys", "The Directions, Map & Landmark Communications Compass", "Stop The Credibility Crisis" and new books as they come out (you can have a copy of my Spanish cookery book if you want it too).

You'll get access to all the tools and courses I share with my one to one clients.

You get me on your book writing and marketing strategy team without having to pay the minimum 1500 euro per month (oops, I should have added that to the value stack picture below).

You get exclusive access to AI prompts that are actually useful (and don't plagiarise or kill the author's voice!) You'll be invited to collaborative projects, events, virtual retreats and exclusive workshops. You'll learn about different monetization ecosystems with new revenue streams, from branded merchandise to subscription models.

So, are you joining us?

100€ monthly

  • Regular LIVE strategy sprint call to explain your book Playbook for that month
  • Regular Tactic Packs with checklists, templates, resources
  • Meetings two Mondays AND two Wednesdays of each month at 5pm or 6pm GMT
  • Safe space for queries, questions and feedback
  • All the resources, videos and courses I use with my one to one clients
  • All the things in the "value stack" are yours to keep!
  • Chat & forum for networking and getting your questions answered
  • You bring the tea, coffee or gin



100000s in

  • Lost opportunities
  • Unfinished books
  • Missed buyers
  • Regret

Get the books that will help you scale with your assets, not your time